Unified Android Toolkit: un singolo Tool per tutti gli strumenti di modding del Galaxy S5

“Un tool per domarli tutti”, ecco come possiamo definire questa suite davvero molto completa per il nostro Galaxy S5, ma cosa consente di fare? Vediamolo insieme!

Si chiama “UNIFIED ANDROID TOOLKIT“, una suite davvero completa che riunisce insieme tutti i ToolKit visti sino ad ora sia per Nexus, sia per Samsung, ovviamente anche per Galaxy S5 nella sua ultima versione, ma non si limita solo a questo, c’è infatti una runtime di base che permette la gestione di qualsivoglia device Android in grado di installare diver, creare il backup delle app, ovviamente installare apk ma anche riavviare il device in diversi modi quali la download mode o la recovery mode oppure inviare comandi manualmente al nostro device.

Insomma con questo tool possiamo dire addio alle ore passate a cercare il tool adatto, la configurazione giusta o il tipo di file da flashare, ci basterà semplicemente toccare un tasto e l’utility provvederà al resto!

Vi sono ovviamente varie versioni di questo tool, in questo articolo ci concentriamo principalmente sul Galaxy S5 per il quale vi sono varie versioni del tool, una per ogni brand, eccovele di seguito:


Vi starete sicuramente chiedendo, ma cosa consente di fare? Beh, eccovi la lista completa di tutte le funzioni (in inglese).

* Install correct adb/fastboot drivers automatically on Windows xp/vista/7/8 32bit+64bit
* Backup/Restore a single package or all apps, user data and Internal Storage
* Backup your data from selectable folders [internal or external storage] to your PC for a Full Safe backup of data
* Unlock/Re-Lock your Bootloader [Nexus modules] * Various Root options using insecure boot image or custom recovery
* 1-Click For All to Unlock, Root, Rename the Restore Files and install busybox [Nexus modules] * ALLINONE to flash custom Recovery Root, Rename the Restore Files and install busybox [Samsung modules] * Fix “Superuser/SuperSU has stopped” message after rooting [Samsung modules] * Perform a FULL NANDROID Backup of your system (Boot, Cache, Data, Recovery and System) via adb and save in Custom Recovery format on your PC which can be Restored via CWM Recovery [if insecure boot image available] * Pull /data and /system folders, compress to a .tar file and save to your PC [if insecure boot image available] * Dump selected Phone Partitions, compress to a .zip file with md5 and save to your PC [if insecure boot image available] * Install BusyBox on your device
* Install Samsung Knox notification disabler on your device [Samsung modules] * Install Root checker on your device [to be added to the Nexus modules] * Extras, Tips and Tricks section with downloadable device user guide
* Auto Update ToolKit to latest available version at startup [PRO ONLY FEATURE] * Check for latest versions of Superuser [root] and custom Recovery images [PRO ONLY FEATURE] * Program up to 10 Quickpick slots and run them very quickly [PRO ONLY FEATURE] * Mods section to automatically perform certain tasks on your phone
* Download Stock Firmware Image for extracting and flashing
* Check md5 of stock image to make sure downloaded file isn’t corrupted before flashing [Nexus modules] * Flash Custom Recovery or Stock Firmware Image to device
* Rename the Recovery Restore File present on some Stock Roms
* Boot into CWM Touch, TWRP or Stock Recovery without Flashing it [Nexus modules] * Boot or Flash .img Files directly from your PC [Nexus modules] * Install a single apk or multiple apk’s to your device
* Push Files from your PC to your device
* Pull Files from your device to your PC
* Dump selected LogCat buffers to your PC
* Dump BugReport to your PC
* Set Files Permissions on your device
* Open new Command Prompt for manual input
* Reboot device to various Modes automatically
* Display Important Information about your device
* Display various Help and Information screens and save a screenshot to your pc/send to default printer
* Many many more features


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