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[Download] SwiftKey Flow apk: finalmente disponibile la beta della famosa tastiera Android

SwiftKey Flow è la nuova tastiera per Android che unisce le classiche funzioni di SwiftKey con la modalità Swype.

La versione beta è stata rilasciata in queste ore e molti utenti hanno ricevuto direttamente l’email dagli sviluppatori con l’invito a provare SwiftKey Flow:

Hi all,

We’re happy to announce that SwiftKey Flow Beta is now available for you to evaluate. We’ve been hard at work refining our latest creation and we look forward to hearing your comments!

SwiftKey Flow Beta APK (smartphone)
SwiftKey Flow Beta APK (tablet)

These are direct download links – just tap the link on your phone or tablet and the application will begin to download. Remember that to get the application fully installed, you may need to click on it in your app drawer. You may also need to adjust the settings on your device to allow for the installation of non-Market applications.

Don’t forget to read our blog and view the latest video of SwiftKey Flow.

Listening to our users has made SwiftKey what it is today. We’re very interested in hearing your feedback on this Beta in order that we can further improve the experience for you. To provide your feedback, you can longpress the 123 in the lower left of the keyboard and follow the appropriate Support links. Doing so will take you to the appropriate locations in the SwiftKey VIP Community.

Also, please take a moment to update your VIP profile with information regarding your primary Android device as well as what languages you speak. Doing so will greatly assist us with the ability to analyze user feedback on a substantially deeper level.

On behalf of the entire SwiftKey team, thank you for your participation in this Beta program.

Best Regards,

Evan Tapper
SwiftKey Community Manager

Sicuramente un’ottima notizia per tutti coloro che attendevano con ansia la nuova tastiera

. Nei prossimi giorni realizzeremo una piccola recensione di SwiftKey Flow.

Potete effettuare il download utilizzando i link in basso:

Download SwiftKey Flow apk smartphone

Download SwiftKey Flow apk tablet


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